It is in the Night
the girl penned
her thoughts.
It is in the Night
the girl delighted.
It is queer
how Time made her
embrace the Darkness
of the night.
The ghoulish claws
of the shadows
enveloped her in a
protective graze.
The sinister leer
from beyond the Darkness
watched over her
like a lover's gaze.
In the comfort of the Night,
even the demons slept
as innocuous as a child
until the first sign of light.
It is then
would the girl hide
in the Darkness beneath
the lids of her eyes.
she would visit
the Wonder of the Dreamscapes.
Where she is always be
that child who gurgles with joy.
When only would her phantom
shed off his cloak
and laugh with her in the sun.
Sunlight in the Dreamscapes
are as soft as the
glow of an angel's halo.
But as Day
intrudes the world
beneath her lashes,
she would bid the things and people
goodbye as they dissipate
in a glare of white.
The girl will read
with her eyes open wide,
about what the people of the Day
did as people of the Night.
At every last word
of every book,
there would be tears
in those eyes.
Sadness for the closure
of the story that ran a
hundered pages before.
Sadness for even Sadness
that departed when Happiness
drove it away.
There's no end
to the stories in the light,
as there are tears
after every story every Night.
Here and away,
Peace in her life slips;
like the tranquil silence
that lingered whenever
she sleeps.
But without fail,
it'll always return.
Just as Darkness would ---
to kiss her Good Night.