Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Boy She Knew

Cavernous eyes.
Bleeding wounds.

All she wanted was
to be just like him.

His mocking laughter
still fills her head.

At every
hesitant step she takes.

To be just like him.

The nectar
still flows in
the blooming flower.

Come on now,

Before it turns cold.

Slip inside
and tell her
all she should know.

For now
all her glory
are good as things
of Old.

When Brown
fades to Hazel,
it is time to go.

He tightened
his belt.

For eternity,
leaving her alone.

The withered flower
among blood and stones.


WindStruck said...


Ma'had Abu Bakar As Shiddiq Surakarta said...

Nice blog